MUMT301-2021 Assignment 1 QUESTIONNAIRE! The following questionnaire seeks to understand your previous knowledge about some of the concepts that we will learn in class during the coming term. 1. Do you know any programming languages? If you do, which ones? None. 2. What is your primary computer operating system (OS)? Windows 10 3. Do you own a smartphone, tablet, or mobile device? What is your favourite OS for mobile devices? Yes, apple iOS 4. Do you use any social networking services? If you do, which ones? Why? Yes, instagram, facebook, twittter (a bit). Use them because I like to stay in touch with friends and show other people how good my life is because I'm insecure and need validation from others. :). 5. Expand the following acronyms and do research about their meaning. You may look them up if you don't know: HTTP: Hypertext Transfer (or Transport) Protocal REST: Representational state transfer API: Application Programming Interface 6. Do you play a musical instrument or sing? If so, how much experience do you have? Yeah I play piano, ukulele, and sing. I've 5.5 piano pro experience, and I've been singing and playing ukulele since I was around 12. 7. Can you read music notation? If so, how well? Yes, like another language. 8. How large is your personal music collection? Estimate the number of artists, albums, and songs. If instead you listen to music using streaming services, how many playlists, artists, albums, and songs do you have in your account? A lot, probably a couple hundred. 9. How do you search and find new music? Spotify, Youtube, google etc... 11. Are you aware of any ways in which artists are dealing with public performances post-COVID? Do you think live performances are essential to your musical experience? In the states, they're touring again because COVID doesn't exist there. Yes I think they're important to musical experience. 12. Name two musical artists that you like. What do you find interesting about their music that makes you like them? Kendrick Lamar, I love the way he tells stories and how he conveys his emotion in his music. Beyonce (and Rihanna-combining them), Both are great vocalists and very emotional with their music.