Welcome to My Page!

About Me

My name is Nicole Sue. I am fourth year Neuroscience student at McGill University, minoring in Musical Applications of Technology (MAT). I am from Vancouver, BC, and I enjoy cooking, skiing, and exploring the outdoors in my free time!

My Classes

ANAT 321: Circuitry of the Human Brain
MUMT 301: Music and the Internet
MUSR 232: Introduction to Electronics
NSCI 400: Neuroscience Seminar
NSCI 420: Independent Research 2
PSYC 444: Sleep Mechanisms and Behaviour

My Classmates

Tibet Ahunbay
Sid Al Hussaini
Beryl Arnould
Asu Simla Ayduran
Naomi Fung
Sarah Gao
Rebecca Lee
Jamie Oneschuk
Eric Orosz
Ravi Raina
Hector Teyssier

My Assignments
